RED Komodo FPV Drone Racer TVC shoot in Croatia
In addition to the many different FPV systems that we now offer, one particular camera is highly demanded: The RED Komodo. For this camera we use an extremely powerful Quadracer with the frame name “Sicario”, which is able to accelerate the 1.9kg camera package (Optic 9mm LAOWA) to up to 120 km / h. The total mass of the system is 4.5kg!
For DoP Paul Meyers (ASC) and director Rune Milton, exactly this combination was needed to dive into a moving car from a great height with the highest possible image quality (6K RED RAW 40FPS).
With the two-man FPV team, we focus on the best balance between safety, productivity and creativity.

Ferdinand Wolf FPV Drone Pilot Skynamic